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Wednesday 10 September 2008

Asthma Research Could Lead To Preventing Attacks In Future, Says British Lung Foundation

�Research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA (PNAS) explores the mechanisms behind the common cold virus and how it causes asthma attack attacks.

The research, funded by the British Lung Foundation, Asthma UK, the Medical Research Council, Imperial College London and the Wellcome Trust, is good news for the five million asthma attack sufferers in the UK because it may lead to a way of preventing attacks in future.

"The vulgar cold is the main reason wherefore people with asthma get bad attacks," says Professor Neil Barnes, spokesperson for the British Lung Foundation. "This research is crucial because it helps us to realize exactly what happens in our lungs during an asthma attack and it may lead to a way of preventing attacks in future."

1. The British Lung Foundation is the only UK charity working for everyone moved by lung disease. The charity focuses its resources on providing support for people affected by lung disease today; and workings in a variety of ways (including funding first research) to bring around positive alteration, to better treatment, tending and support for hoi polloi affected by lung disease in the future.

2. It provides information via the website hypertext transfer protocol:// and telephone helpline 08458 50 50 20.

3. In 2006 the charity launched a membership schema with the aim of recruiting the 8 one thousand thousand people with lung disease in the UK and anyone with an interest group in lung disease.

4. One person in every seven in the UK is affected by lung disease - this equates to approximately 8 million people

5. Respiratory disease is the second biggest killer in the UK (117,456 deaths in 2004) later all non-respiratory cancers combined which exclusively account for slightly more deaths (122,500 deaths in UK in 2004)

6. Respiratory disease now kills one in five people in the UK

7. The UK's demise rate from respiratory disease is most double the European average and the 6th highest in Europe

8. Respiratory disease is the most usually reported longsighted term unwellness in children and the third nearly commonly reported in adults. One in 7 boys and 1 in 8 girls aged 2 - 15 report having long term respiratory illness in England

British Lung Foundation

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Thursday 21 August 2008

Spices May Protect Against Consequences Of High Blood Sugar

�Herbs and spices are rich in antioxidants, and a new University of Georgia survey suggests they are likewise potent inhibitors of tissue damage and inflammation caused by high levels of blood sugar.

Researchers, whose results seem in the current military issue of the Journal of Medicinal Food, tested extracts from 24 common herbs and spices. In accession to finding high levels of antioxidant-rich compounds known as phenols, they revealed a direct correlation betwixt phenol content and the ability of the extracts to forget the formation of compounds that chip in to wrong caused by diabetes and aging.

"Because herbs and spices have a very low small calorie content and are comparatively inexpensive, they're a great way to get a lot of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power into your diet," said study joint author James Hargrove, associate professor of foods and nutrition in the UGA College of Family and Consumer Sciences.

Hargrove explained that when profligate sugar levels are high school, a serve known as protein glycation occurs in which the sugar bonds with proteins to eventually form what are known as forward-looking glycation ending products, besides known as AGE compounds. The acronym is fitting because these compounds actuate the immune system, resulting in the inflammation and tissue damage associated with aging and diabetes.

The researchers found a unassailable and direct correlation betwixt the phenol content of common herbs and spices and their ability to inhibit the formation of AGE compounds. Spices such as cloves and cinnamon had oxybenzene levels that were 30 percent and 18 pct of dry weight, severally, while herbs such as oregano and sage were eight and six percent phenol by dry weight unit, respectively. For comparison, blueberries - which are widely touted for their antioxidant capabilities - contain roughly five per centum phenol by dry weightiness.

Study joint author Diane Hartle, associate prof in the UGA College of Pharmacy, said assorted phenols are absorbed differently by the body and have different mechanisms of action, so it's probable that a variety of spices volition provide maximum benefit.

"If you set up a good herb and spice cabinet and season your food liberally, you could double or even triple the medicative value of your meal without increasing the thermic content," she said.

She added that controlling blood sugar and the formation of AGE compounds can also decrease the endangerment of cardiovascular damage associated with diabetes and ageing. She explained that high blood saccharide accelerates ticker disease partially because AGE compounds form in the blood and in the walls of blood vessels. The AGE compounds exacerbate atherosclerosis, which produces cholesterin plaques.

The UGA researchers tested for the power to block AGE compounds in a test tube, but animate being studies conducted on the health benefits of spices lend support to their argument. Cinnamon and cinnamon extracts, for example, make been shown to turn down blood gelt in mice. Interestingly, cinnamon lowers blood sugar by acting on several different levels, Hargrove said. It slows the emptying of the breadbasket to reduce sharp rises in rip sugar undermentioned meals and improves the effectiveness, or sensitivity, of insulin. It also enhances antioxidant defenses.

Hargrove aforementioned their findings suggest it's likely that the herbs and spices they studied will provide similar benefits in creature tests. He points extinct that because humans receive been overwhelming herbs and spices for thousands of years, they come without the peril of possible side effects that companion medications.

"Culinary herbs and spices ar all more often than not recognized as safe and have been time-tested in the dieting," he aforementioned. "Indeed, some of spices and herbals are nowadays sold as food supplements because of their recognised health benefits."

Study joint author Phillip Greenspan, associate prof in the College of Pharmacy, noted that most people don't get their recommended little Phoebe to ball club servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Rather than seasoning their food with salt - which provides no beneficial phenols and has been joined to high blood pressure sensation - he recommends that people use of goods and services a variety of herbs and spices to help boost the nutritional quality of their meals.

"When you add herbs and spices to food, you definitely ply yourself with additional benefits besides gustatory sensation," Greenspan said.

University of Georgia

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Monday 11 August 2008

Walsh wins Scottish Fringe award

Irish playwright Enda Walsh has south Korean won the Fringe First prize for the second year in succession at the Edinburgh Festival.

The 'Disco Pigs' and 'Bedbound' writer, wHO won the award last year for his act 'The Walworth Farce', picked up the accolade this year for 'The New Electric Ballroom'.

The Druid Theatre production, currently running at the Traverse Theatre in Edinburgh, stars Rosaleen Linehan.

Mary Cloake, Director of the Arts Council, said that the play's success: "...demonstrates once more that Ireland maintains the highest grade of external standards in theatre writing, production and performance."

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Wednesday 25 June 2008

David Bowie - Bowie Rules Out Musical

Rocker DAVID BOWIE has ruled out becoming the latest star to turn his songs into a musical by denying reports he has licensed his songs to be used in a new Broadway extravaganza.

U.K. reports linked Bowie to a new project by theatre impresario Peter Schaufuss, but the rocker's publicist insists Ziggy Stardust won't be hitting the stage anytime soon.

A spokesman for Bowie's RZO Music says, "We have licensed absolutely no material written by Mr. Bowie to Schaufuss. We have never been requested to and we do not intend to."

And the insider also denies other rumours suggesting writer Walter Tevis' The Man Who Fell To Earth is heading to Broadway.

Bowie starred in the movie adaptation of the book.

The spokesman adds, "We are close to the Walter Tevis Estate and we have first hand knowledge that they have not licensed the musical rights to Schaufuss either.

"Furthermore, the advertising for this production appears to be utilising an unauthorised name and likeness of Mr. Bowie and we will seek injunctions, if necessary, to stop their use."

See Also

Thursday 12 June 2008

Spike vs. Clint: Spike Strikes Back! Plus: Wait, Are There Black People in ‘Flags of Our Fathers’ After All?

Clint and Spike, during happier times.Photo: WireImage
Needless to say, it didn't take Spike Lee long to respond to Clint Eastwood's request that Lee "shut his face" about the lack of black soldiers in Flags of Our Fathers and Letters From Iwo Jima. (If you had "over the weekend" in the Spike Responds office pool, you're a winner!) "First of all, the man is not my father and we're not on a plantation either," Lee told He then called Eastwood an "angry old man," before hilariously claiming the "Obama high road" and refusing further comment. Long live feuds! We're looking forward to Clint's upcoming response of "Shut your pie hole," or "Shut your yap," or maybe "Refrain from speaking."

In other news, though, a commenter on our last post on this beef claims that, in fact, black soldiers do appear in Flags of Our Fathers, possibly rendering this entire argument moot.

The commenter, alynch, presents as evidence this photo:

And says that while "it's only a brief cutaway," "it's enough to refute Spike's main charge that the film's not even acknowledging their existence."

Is alynch right? We don't know — we've never seen Flags of Our Fathers, because we find most war movies super boring. This photo could be from that movie, or it could be from basically any other war movie that we also haven't seen. It would be really funny if this entire argument happened because neither Spike Lee nor anyone else actually cared about watching Flags of Our Fathers. Why hasn't anyone YouTubed this yet? Get on it, people!

Spike Strikes Back: Clint's 'an Angry Old Man' [ABC News]

Earlier: Clint Eastwood vs. Spike Lee

Friday 6 June 2008


Artist: Shashank

New Age


Moments Of Ectasy Vol. 2   
 Moments Of Ectasy Vol. 2

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 6

Moments Of Ectasy Vol. 1   
 Moments Of Ectasy Vol. 1

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 5


Anne Hathaway - The Things They Say 8356

Thursday 5 June 2008

Hillary Pushing Up Daisies

ChappaquaRoses are red, violets are blue, and we've got some proof, that Hill's campaign is through.

We found out Whispering Pines of Chappaqua -- the local flower shop -- has been delivering a bunch of arrangements to the Clinton house -- some for Hil, some for Bill and some for both.

So why do people send flowers? A wedding -- no. Funeral -- sort of. The end of a Presidential campaign -- bingo.

See Also